Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Catch up....

Ok Ok. I get it. It's been awhile. Six whole months.

Alot has happened. Let's go through the highlights. In June/July I graduated from nursing school. I then started doing some pseudo studying for the NCLEX which is the nursing test to become licenses. I say pseudo because in the time I should probably have been studying, I took a week long trip to Mexico with Rachel and another week long trip to Canada with Ryan.

Mexico was great - hot, dirty, lazy, and simple are words I would use to describe our trip. We stayed in a variety of places, ranging from a little Mexican house that had worms in our water system and bags for your poopy toilet paper to fancy shmancy hotels where people wait on you hand and foot. For the record, I like the second better...

Canada was great too. Ryan and I went Kayaking off the coastal islands just outide vancouver and it was beautiful and desolate and really quite impressive. I love going places that are cut off from most of the rest of the world. Where you either have to boat in, or walk a LONG way to get there. We had a great great time. Canadians pay a LOT of money for beer though. Ridiculous.

After all my vacations, I studied for, and passed my big test. The day before was hilarious. Hilarious in that my body was in full on, anxiety/freak out mode. I was shaking, sweating, puking, pooping, crying....not all at once, but all did occur at some point during the day. Glad that's over. And now I'm officially a nurse!!!

More to come later from your newest nurse friend...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We Know How To Make Sausage!

So....Ryan and I are in this fun little Supper Club with a few of our friends. The idea is that every few weeks we get together and make amazing food and eat it. The hosts pick a theme and everyone has to make a food to go with that theme. It's alot of fun and a good chance for those of us who like to screw around in the kitchen to really "bring it" and impress our friends.

Well, this last time, we hosted and picked "things on sticks" for the theme. I'm not one to brag (yeah right) but Ryan and I took the blue ribbon. Or we would have taken the blue ribbon if we were giving out blue ribbons.

Anyway, the fact of the matter is, we wanted to make corn dogs from scratch. But to up the ante, we decided to first make our own sausage, and then make our own corn dogs from that sausage. That involved talking to butchers, getting hog intestine, purchasing a cake decorater, and driving across town for Grade A Meat. This video is for your viewing pleasure.

The other food at the Things on Sticks Party was pretty amazing too. The Mason's brought a plate of delicious little heart attacks on sticks (Aaron loves to wrap things in bacon) for appetizers, and the Rupps provided an array of impressive alcoholic beverages and desserts on sticks. All in all, it was a great success.

First Girls Trip of 08

A few weeks ago Megan, Rachel and I went on a little girls weekend to the Washington Coast. Turns out it was REALLY cold and actually hailed the whole time we were there, but we made the best of it and had a smashing time dancing, drinking wine, and combing the beach.

We paid for all of our meals in sand dollars.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The igloo outing was a success. A cold, wet success. We built them, we slept in them. We woke up in them and then tried to take them down...which was alot harder than I remembered it being last time...

We are a sexy sexy couple.

Brooksie in town

This is certainly late in coming, but I've been doing some fun things lately and well, everyone else is updating their's peer pressure and nothing else.

Brooks came to visit a few weeks ago and these pictures are of the day we went on a "bus tour" where we got dropped off at Discovery park and then had to find our way back home on the busses. It was a great day of boche ball, art, sculpture, bike riding, walking, exploring, eating and drinking beers. And yes, I know that one pictures is flipped the wrong way. I can't fix it.


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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Birthday Joys

I don't know where she found it but my sister Lori sent me the best Birthday card. Freaky little church children with the title "Birthday Joys"...I don't think the picture does it justice but I had to try to share this with the world.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The romance continues

It's a good thing it wasn't raining in Seattle when we got back into town last night. I think I would have been driven to a deep dark depression.

Ryan and I went to Cannon Beach this weekend for a little Valentines getaway with our good friends the Hagemans. They live in LA but come up to their family's beach house a couple times a year and for some reason we keep getting invited to join...I like to think it's because we're incredibly witty and easy to get along with.

One thing is for sure, it's great to have rich friends...c'mon people- am I right or am I right?

The weather was great. I got to run on the beach, eat great food, hang out with Ryan, read stupid Hollywood magazines and listen to the LA crew talk about things I would never have the opportunity to discuss with my friends in Seattle. Like Marc Jacob's bags for a "reasonable $1,330". I can't even imagine what it would be like to have a bag that expensive. I could buy a car for that price.

One thing is for sure, I'd leave the price tag on the bag. For all to see.